Our First Photo Competition Winner!

With the end of our first photo competition now here, we firstly want to say a massive thank you to everybody who submitted an entry. There was some absolutely incredible photos which was an absolute please to see them all. Now for the official results are as follows.

“Flow” By @Really.Not.Photos


“Side Ways Entry” by @KonradMarciak

“Prancing Horse at Sunset” By _adamsewell

Congratulations to our winner, regrettably there’s no prizes for anything other than FIRST, however stunning runners up!

This competition was a trial of sorts, see what works, what doesn’t so going forward we are going to make a few changes. First of them, we are going to monthly photo competitions, starting on the 1st of each month. There will also be a theme to follow to for your submission to be valid. Lastly the submissions need to have been taken within the month.

Why are we making changes?

We want to push you all to go out and make new content, so these new conditions will help you do that! Use any resources you want, be it within our community or outside, collaborating with other car owners or creatives not in the crew? Invite them! The wider our reach, the higher our abilities and so the greater our achievements. The next competition will be live as you read this and unsurprisingly, is it Halloween or Autumn themed. Something else to note, votes will not be visible and therefore not influential.

We can’t want to see what you guys create, and don’t forget to tag us!
